Montreal Comic Con sketches & The A-Team

The Montreal Comic Con was this past weekend, and it was a good time. It was busy, much busier than I thought it would be. I was drawing and chatting the whole time I was there. Lots and lots of kids, too, which was awesome to see. Little Supermen and Spider-Men running around. Kids have the best sketch requests. One darling little French girl asked for a penguin, and her sister wanted a flower!

I did tons of drawings and a lot of guys have been nice enough to email me jpegs.



Black Widow
I don't know if you heard (I can't stop thinking about it!) but Liam Neeson is in talks to play the part of Col. John "Hannibal" Smith in Joe Carnahan's upcoming A-Team movie. Hannibal Smith was a hero of mine when I was a little kid; my parents had a van, so my brother would play B.A. or Murdock and I'd be driving around as Hannibal.
I bought new ink quills the other night, and I was dying to try them out, so out came Hannibal.
Try not to hum The A-Team theme all day. It will be impossible for me.